How to Upload Pictures to Google Earth

example of a georeference image in Google Earth

Have you lot e'er wished yous could prove people where on a map your photographs were taken? Wouldn't information technology be groovy if you could use a computer-based mapping program to do this? Well, you lot can. With Google Earth, a digital camera and an cheap GPS receiver, you can create and display picture locations, and with a little typing you can add pictures and descriptive text that volition display when you click on the film'southward location. You lot can so save these information in a specially formatted KMZ file that you lot tin can electronic mail to colleagues, friends, or family so they too can view the pictures in Google Globe.

Some Examples

A popular-up window with picture(s) and text appears when a user clicks on a placemark in Google Earth.

If you have Google Globe Version iv or higher installed on your calculator, yous can see a KMZ in action.

Google Earth volition get-go and will "wing" to a criterion located in the Haddam Meadows Country Park in Connecticut. Once the flying stops, click on the screen icon and a picture and some descriptive text volition pop upwardly. (Important Note: Before versions of Google Earth may wing you to the location but will non display the pictures.)

Interested in some other case? Try browsing these pictures of plant communities at the Ragged Rock Creek brackish tidal marshnear the oral cavity of the Connecticut River.

Getting Started

OK, so are yous set up to try this? Yous are going to need some bones equipment and software to get started:

  • GPS receiver (any unit that displays your location in latitude/longitude volition piece of work)
  • Digital camera and cables to download pictures to your computer
  • Broadband Internet connectedness
  • Calculator with Google Globe Version 4 (or later)
  • Field notebook (something to record your film numbers and their respective GPS locations)

To go some data to piece of work with, take the GPS, camera, and notebook and head out to an interesting location. In the field plow on the GPS unit and let it determine its location. Take a picture. In the notebook record the GPS breadth and longitude and the moving-picture show number. You will use these data back in the function to fix Google Earth to fly to your picture locations. Now walk to another location, take a motion picture, and tape the data. You tin keep to collect GPS coordinates and pictures until yous accept several to work with.

Back in the office, download your pictures to a folder on your computer. The binder name is not important – merely you do need to know its verbal proper noun (e.g., Due east:\Pictures4GE\) and yous will demand to know the exact filename of each moving picture.


In Google Earth, bespeak locations are called placemarks. When you click on a placemark, information about information technology will exist displayed in a pop-up window. Each placemark has editable properties that command how it is displayed and what information appears in the pop-upward window. These backdrop include:

  • a name that displays on the map as a label
  • a brandish symbol
  • the placemark's location in breadth and longitude
  • data (text, picture, etc.) that displays in a pop-up window when you click on the placemark
  • the coordinates for the center of the map display
  • other backdrop that control characterization size, style and color, view angle, and several other parameters

Creating a Placemark

In this pace you volition create a placemark and so edit its coordinates to match a location where yous took a movie.

Make sure Google Globe is open. At this signal, the geographic location that is displayed makes no difference. Click on the Add together Placemark tool (information technology is a yellowish pushpin icon near the elevation of the Google Earth window). A yellow placemark, surrounded by a flashing yellow box, will be added to the center of the view and a window titled Google World – New volition open up.

In the Google Earth – New window, supercede the values in the Latitude and Longitude boxes with the breadth and longitude values for one of your picture locations. This volition motion the placemark to your coordinates, which may be somewhere off the view. Note: Y'all can enter breadth and longitude values in a multifariousness of formats – DD MM SS.SSS degrees minutes and decimal seconds, DD.DDDD decimal degrees, DD MM.MMMM degrees and decimal minutes, etc. Yous also tin utilise North, S, E, and W to identify direction, or yous can use a negative sign to indicate longitudes westward of Greenwich and latitudes south of the equator; however you lot demand to exist consistent.

For example: 41 24 40.62N / 72 26 25.53Due west is the same as 41 24 twoscore.62 / 72 26 25.53.

To reposition the map display (the view) to your placemark's location, click on the View tab and then click on the Reset push button. This will reposition the view so it is centered on the placemark. Now you can zoom in or out using the zoom slider bar in the top right corner of the Google World display. You also can change the view's tilt and/or compass orientation. Later on you have the view set the way yous desire, click on the Snapshot current view push. This will salve the view as a belongings of the placemark.

In the Name box, enter a meaningful name for your placemark.

In the Description box, you can add some text that describes the picture, the location or anything else that y'all consider of import. Note: If you are familiar with HTML tags, you tin can use many of them to command how the text appears in the pop-upwards window. You also can add together URLs to Web pages that automatically will exist interpreted as a hyperlink.

Click the OK push to accept your edits. You lot should at present be able to click on the placemark and the text you entered will be displayed in the pop-up balloon.

Become ahead and add together several more placemarks and edit the breadth and longitude (remember to edit it in the principal window and on the View tab).

Calculation a Motion picture to the Pop-up Window

Including a picture show in the pop-upward window is a uncomplicated job but it does crave the use of some HTML tags.

To add together a moving picture, yous need to edit a placemark's properties. To do this, right click on the placemark on the map (or on the placemark name in the Places window on the left side of Google Earth). A pop-upward bill of fare will appear. Move the mouse over Backdrop and click with the left mouse button. You can now edit the placemark's description to include an HTML tag for the digital picture.

In its simplest grade the HTML tag looks like this:

<IMG SRC="C:\GoogleEarth_Pictures\YourPicture.jpg">

In the above example, the tag includes the pathname to a digital picture on the C: drive.

Note: You too could utilize a flick stored on an Internet server. In that case the HTML IMG tag would wait something like this:

<IMG SRC="">

You lot too tin can include other tags that command the display height and/or width (in pixels) of the picture. However, you need to exist careful that if you specify both superlative and width that the values are such that they maintain the right aspect ratio for the motion picture or information technology will be stretched in one direction relative to the other. A safer approach would be to just specify a width or a top value merely non both.

<IMG SRC="C:\GoogleEarth_Pictures\YourPicture.jpg" width="320″ elevation="240″>

So lets try this. Correct click on a placemark and select Properties on the pop-up card. In the placemark's Clarification box add, after any text you take already entered, the following:

<p><IMG SRC="driveletter:\the complete pathname to the folder that contains your digital pictures\the name of the picture that you want to display" width="400″>

Note: the <p> HTML tag used higher up is like a new paragraph. It forces the movie to be displayed beneath the text you entered rather than after information technology.

Organizing and Saving Your Placemarks

Once you have created and edited your placemarks, you will be ready to save your work. Your placemarks volition exist listed in the Places section on the left side of the Google Globe display in the My Places folder. You can add a new binder to My Places and and so move your new placemarks to it. The screen capture below illustrates how to create a new folder. Right click on My Places and then movement the mouse over Add and click Binder… . In the Google Earth – New window that opens, type in the name of the binder you want to create and click the OK button. A new folder will be added to My Places. Right click on any of your placemarks and while holding down the mouse button, drag the placemark into the new folder. Continue doing this until all your placemarks take been moved into the new folder.

Correct click My Places and you can add a binder to motion your placemarks into.

When you close Google Earth, the contents of the My Places folder volition be saved and volition exist there the side by side time you open Google Earth.

Distributing Your Placemarks

If you want to share your placemarks and associated pictures, you can save them in a peculiarly formatted KMZ file that you lot can email to others, re-create to CD or link to from a Web folio (this is what was washed dorsum at the showtime of the article).

To create a KMZ, right-click on the proper name of the folder that contains your placemarks and click on Save Every bit… on the popular-up bill of fare. In the Save file… window, navigate to a folder, enter a name for the KMZ and and so click the Save button. It's that simple. You tin can now electronic mail the KMZ to a colleague or friend and all they have to exercise, assuming they have Google Earth four.0 or higher, is double click on the KMZ file and Google Earth will open and load the placemarks and pictures.

If your KMZ file is really big, it will be ameliorate if you save information technology to a CD and so ship them the CD. every bit a note, the size of the KMZ volition exist a function of the number of pictures and their sizes. If you are using a loftier-resolution photographic camera, you might want to reduce the size of the pictures before you link to them through the placemarks yous add to Google World. Then, when you lot create the KMZ, it will exist much smaller.

A really skillful gratuitous image display and editing program that lets you resize digital pictures is IrfanView. You should cheque it out if y'all need to reduce the size of your pictures.


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